mercredi 13 octobre 2010

A Few Things From Our Last Class


If you're interested in learning about fraternity stereotypes, you can watch the movie Animal House. It is about a fraternity where a group of guys live together in the same house. They are very silly and immature. The clip below is from this movie. In it, the dean of the school comes into the fraternity to yell at the fraternity brothers (men in a fraternity are called brothers, women in a sorority are called sisters). He says their grades are so bad that is the fraternity breaks the rules one more time, it will be closed for good. The fraternity's response is to throw a toga party.

A few expressions:
  • What a tool = what a jerk, what an annoying person
  • One bad apple can ruin the bunch = one person can ruin something with their bad behavior
  • Put a sock in it = stop talking (an old fashioned phrase)
  • "You'll be out of here like shit through a goose." = This is a phrase unique to this movie. Geese go to the bathroom frequently, so the dean will throw out this student as quickly as a goose goes to the bathroom.
  • Grade point average = a number that symbolizes your average grade. The higher the grade point average, the better the grades are.
  • To be below par =  to be not good enough
  • A toga is a greek dress that looks like a white sheet. 
This movie is a classic, and you should watch if you get a chance.

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